Hey everyone, today I wanted to show you how I do kind of a mohawk Dutch braid hairstyle and it’s one I recently wore in an outfit post. So let’s go ahead and begin. All right, the first step is to breastfeed the hair and I’m using my carrico paddle brush.
Brush the Hair
So I’m just going to brush the hair straight back since that’s the way we’re going to braid it. Okay, next were going to separate the hair and this is the trick to getting kind of the Mohawk wood. So what you want to do is take a section from corner to corner and this is going to be one piece. Then the next two strands you want to take them right behind it. So I’m going to take a section from right here.
Three pieces hair
This will be my side piece. And then back here and this will be my other piece. So I got my three pieces and I’m going to do a Dutch braid. So I’m going to take the side Strand and put it under the middle. Then I’m going to take this site’s side Strand and put it under the middle.
Bring in a section of hair
Then I’m going to take this site and put it under. Then this time for the under and then I’m going to bring infection from the front all the way back and add it in. Then I’m going to take the sides down and put it under and then I’m going to bring in a section of hair and add it to that strand.
And I’m going to Craftsman side piece under the middle. Then I’m going to bring an infection from the side then added into that store and then take the other side and Crescent under. Then I’m going to take a section from the side and added into that strand.
Then I’m going to take the side street and Crescent under the middle in the middle bring in a section. And if you notice the braid is going this way. That’s the directions. So the hair is going to go up and then across head into the grave lemonade cross the restaurant under the middle and then bring in a section. Cinnamon across the stern under the middle and ring in the section.
Mohawk style Ducth Braid
Thunder and discontinue all the way down. Then I’m going to bring her over my shoulder so that that’s where it laid and I’m just going to finish my braids. Didn’t mean to make the breed bigger. And I’m going to die at the end. And now you got kind of a mohawk style Dutch braid.
I hope you enjoy this tutorial. Thank you so much for watching. Please like And subscribe and I will see you on the next video by.
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