Today the most common way to cleanse the hair and scalp is with traditional shampoos and this works well for some but we also know that it can cause a lot of issues in others. If you are not getting the look and feel from your hair with shampoos then understand that most shampoos are designed to simply strip and to do this they need some harsh chemicals. If you are wanting to clean the hair follicles, build up, remove crusty scalp issues, open hardened sebum plugs and generally clarify or regularly clean and you don’t want the drying or negative effects from chemical laden shampoos then you need a Premium Mineral Scalp Scrub.
How Do Scalp Scrubs Work?
They work by slightly exfoliating with sea salt minerals in very small form. This allows you to add a little pressure to give a slight abrasion to the scalp to remove hardened dirt, grime, sebum, waxy build up and more. The herbs will literally purify and melt away unwanted build up and they go down into the hair follicle itself to irrigate which almost every other hair product including shampoos do not. The minerals add much need nutrition to the root and also to the scalp skin which protects against microbes such as bacteria, fungus and yeast to name a few. The zinc pca is known to be nature’s best defense against the fungus, bacteria and more.
What Do They Work Well For?
First of all any hair that is curly or if you are having dry hair problems then without a doubt don’t use traditional shampoos as much. You want the Mineral Scalp Scrub. It is basically a conditioner with cleansing herbs and a special form of zinc that helps to eliminate fungus, bacteria, yeast build up as well as sweat deposits. The herbs are truly amazing and literally melt away the years of products build up, sticky hair sprays and product residue and they do amazing works on hardened and crusty sebum. Never drying and always rejuvenating.
In a survey 9 out of 10 people with low moisture content in their Hair chose Zincplex Mineral Scalp Scrub as their product of choice versus shampoos. Because the base is a conditioner base it will leave your hair amazingly soft and loaded with moisture. The minerals are vital for protecting and healing the scalp and also add deep moisture to the hair shaft itself. The minerals are known for their healing power for scalp conditions such as scalp eczema, psoriasis and even seborrheic dermatitis to name a few.
Let The Herbs and Minerals Do the Work For Amazingly Healthy Hair! A good scalp scrub will take the place of those that are using drying shampoos and dealing with all the effects.
Scalp Problems and Why This Product Works
Most scalp problems deal with clogged hair follicles that allow bacteria, fungus and yeast to hide and multiply inside the follicle. When it comes to looking for a place to buy a scalp scrub make sure that the Scrub is a premium product. Just using a salt scrub is not enough. Look for thyme, sage, fenugreek herbs, ivey burdock, zinc pca and sea salts for abrasion and scalp repair.
This mineral scrub uses 5 different ways to unblock and cleanse that away. That alone is huge for most people. Secondly scalp breakouts and acne are a bacteria issue but the bacteria has to be alleviated down inside the follicle and then for long term results the scalp’s outer most layer is the barrier to prevent bacteria and fungus from growing out of control. The minerals help to rebuild this layer and the zinc pca helps to eliminate excess fungi’s and bacteria build up. That is why customers are replacing their shampoos and other scalp cleansers with Premium Mineral Scalp Scrubs and Exfoliants
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