Avoiding Hassle and Looking Elegant
They say life doesn’t get easier, you get stronger. Well, whether or not that is the case, one thing is sure: time seems to flee as the years go by, and you need to find ways of maximizing what scant minutes you’re able to throughout the hustle and bustle of the day. Especially as you become the matriarch of a large family, you’ve got a lot on your plate.
Soon, you won’t have the time to spend an hour in front of the mirror every day getting your hair just right; not unless you’re going to an exceptionally special event. The thing is, that doesn’t mean you can’t look elegant and stylish. A good way to “have your cake and eat it, too”, as the saying goes, is to explore new hairstyles.
Sometimes just a short haircut is all you need to free up time and still appear trendy. Here we’ll briefly go over a number of different hairstyles for older women you might want to think about if you’re considering something new, and you’re looking for a no-hassle option.

1. The Traditional Bob
Interestingly enough, the “Bob” haircut happened as the result of an accident in the early 1900s. This is probably the first haircut you thought of when you considered low-maintenance cuts for elegant elderly ladies. It makes sense why. It’s an easy-to-maintain haircut that looks particularly striking with side-bangs and a side part.
Basically, you cut your hair short, to about the nape of the neck. It’s as easy to care for as a man’s haircut but still helps you look cute and stylish.
2. The Longer Bob, or “Lob”
The “Lob” is a contraction of “Longer” and “Bob”. It’s exactly what it sounds like: a slightly longer “Bob” haircut. It gives you more options without looking quite as though your intention is lowered maintenance. Also, it’s a bit more contemporary than the traditional “Bob”, and so makes you appear more trendy.
3. Going With a Short Pixie Cut
Another popular style for all ages, but one that is most especially elegant for elderly women, is the pixie cut. Remember Tinkerbell in the animated Disney Peter Pan film? That’s one of the most prominent examples of this cut, but it really started in the 1800s, and famous stars such as Audrey Hepburn popularized it in the twentieth century. Read about its history here.
Basically, this is a short haircut that wouldn’t look out of place on a young lad, but is styled in a feminine way, and is exceptionally easy to manage. Especially if you’re busy in later years, this is the cut for you. It won’t get in the way, and it looks provocative.

4. Letting Voluminous Curls Unfurl, or Layering for Thinner Hair
If you’ve got exceptionally curly hair, it can be worthwhile to let it curl out and expand, only cutting it once it gets past a certain length. This can require more management, but if you’ve got the volume, why not?
Similarly, if your hair is less curly, you can layer it to give the appearance of volume. Both styles will require more maintenance, but you can use dry shampoo and other techniques to make it more easily manageable. You don’t have to let it get down to the middle of your pack to have a wild, thick appearance.
Finding the Timeless Hairstyle that Suits Your Golden Years
In short, you can do any style you like in later years as in younger years, but some are easier to manage than others. The Bob, Lob, and Pixie cuts are common stylish options for those in their later years, but if you want to go with something voluminous, letting curls grow or layering thinner hair to suit you are also fine options.
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